Basic Income & Content Consumption

The concept of basic income has been around for quite some time, however it wasn't until the past few years that it has gained some real traction.  Admittedly it is something that is still very new to me, but as I continue to see more people talking and writing about the subject it's clear that the conversation is only going to grow louder.  One of the arguments frequently used by those who support a basic income is that by giving people a safety net they will be free to pursue their true passions and we would witness a renaissance of art, philosophy, literature, etc.  One the surface that sounds like a wonderful society to be a part of but is there any evidence to suggest that is actually how people would spend their time?  

Over the course of the last century, the average time a person in the developed world spends working during the week has decreased from 70 hours to 30 hours.  That's great news!  How has the developed world taken advantage of those new 30 hours?  To be blunt, we haven't, we spend 28 of them watching TV.  If these statistics are accurate they pose a troubling issue for anyone who supports basic income.  What happens if people are receiving that money and adding nothing positive to society?  What happens if there is so much content out there that the average person spends more time consuming it rather than going out and creating it.