The 7th inning stretch

Today Marc Andreessen joined Bill Gurley, Fred Wilson and a number of other prominent investors suggesting that start-ups are burning through more cash than they should be.  Personally these are three of my favorite VCs so I find it interesting and somewhat telling that all three of them have made similar statements publicly about the burn rates they're seeing. None have gone as far as saying that they are scaling back their investments quite yet but most VC firms have suggested that they are being much more careful when it comes to picking investments.

As I see it we are definitely getting towards the end of the current easy money cycle in tech (as well as the broader economy) and I would be surprised it we didn't see some epic stat-up failures in the next two years.  I'm personally interested to see if there is any correlation between the timing of the downturn in tech and the Fed deciding to raise the interests rates.  With so much money piling into equities and venture over the last few years in search for some reasonable returns it's not difficult to imagine that monetary policy could have a pretty significant impact on the amount of money flowing into private tech companies.